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    Swami Rama

    Samadhi: The Highest State of Wisdom: Yoga the Sacred Science - Ebook

    Samadhi: The Highest State of Wisdom: Yoga the Sacred Science - Ebook

    Title: Samadhi: The Highest State of Wisdom: Yoga the Sacred Science - Ebook
    by Swami Rama
    Ebook: 256 pp
    SKU: 984051 UPC/ISBN: 9788188157495
    Sold As Ebook
    Available from:
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    The contents of this book have been taken from Swami Rama's lecture courses on Yoga Sutras. Swamiji's description of the totality of the mind the functions of the mind and the emotions goes far beyond the concepts of modern psychology and provides insight into the intricacies of yoga psychology making this an invaluable edition from the therapeutic viewpoint as well as its practicality as a guide for living a healthy balanced life.
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