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    Kleinman, Robert

    Four Faces of the Universe: An Integrated View of the Cosmos - Ebook

    Four Faces of the Universe: An Integrated View of the Cosmos - Ebook

    Title: Four Faces of the Universe: An Integrated View of the Cosmos - Ebook
    by Kleinman, Robert
    Ebook: 352 pp
    SKU: 984110 UPC/ISBN: 9781608690626
    Sold As Ebook
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    Four Faces of the Universe is an adventurous survey of a universe that is deeper than science can measure. It explores key perspectives by which we can gain insight into the cosmos - mythical scientific traditional and evolutionary - affirming what is valid in each. Along the way we meet great figures like Madame Blavatsky Albert Einstein Plato Dante and Sri Aurobindo and we embrace the cosmos in works of art and imagination. A journey through the Four Faces suggests how we can find our place in the world and arrive at a soul-deep harmony in it.
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